
Ciutadants exiliant-se

dijous, 13 de març del 2014

Document audiovisual

1) When did they open the border in order to let the refuges settle down? 
They opened the border on 6th February of 1939.
2) How many Kilometres did they walk before they get to the border? 
They walked 30 km before they got to the border
3) Who were the responsables for guarding the refugees?
The Senegalese and the Gendarmes.
4) Why didn't the inhabitants of Argelés hels the refugees? 
Some of them yes , but later they were obligated to shut inside..
5) What did they do to put up with the low temperatures? 
They sat next to each other to transmit heat and they covered themselves with a blanket and they built cabins.
6) Which were the most common diseases? 
The most common dieseases were lung diseases, the dysentery, pneumonia ,scabies, louses,conjunctivitis….
7) What did they do to get some bread?
 They couldn´t do anything .They waited in a line in different lorries to get some of bread.
8) What did chamois and his friend do? 
They recorded the reality of the beaches.
9) Did the refugees trade in?What did they sell? 
Yes, they did cigarettes , clothes and food .
10) Why did some women prostitute themselves?
To get medicines, food and clothes. 
11) How were these women punished? 
The gendarmes punished the women's by making them rotate on a stick.
12) What did the Republicans do in order not to get bored?
They talked and met with the people of the village.

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